Empowering communities, enriching lives: Our Corporate Social Responsibility in action

Our Corporate Social Responsibility
Secure Property Management Limited `Sustainable Living Plan` is a comprehensive strategy aimed at reducing the company's environmental impact while increasing its positive social impact. The plan focuses on two main areas: reducing environmental impact, and enhancing livelihoods.
Corporate social responsibility is a business model by which companies make a concerted effort to operate in ways that enhance rather than degrade society and the environment. CSR can help improve society and promote a positive brand image for companies and express the responsibility to society

Common CSR practices like others organizations are centered on mainly poverty alleviation, employment generation, healthcare, education, charity activates, cultural enrichment, youth development, patronizing sports and music etc.
Corporate social responsibility is a business model by which companies make a concerted effort to operate in ways that enhance rather than degrade society and the environment. CSR can help improve society and promote a positive brand image for companies and express the responsibility to society

Our CSR Pillars
Environmental Stewardship
We minimize our ecological footprint through sustainable construction practices, waste reduction, and energy-efficient designs.
Community Engagement
We actively engage with local communities, supporting initiatives that promote education, health, and economic development.
Ethical Business Practices
We uphold the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and fairness in all our business dealings.
Secure Foundation
Our Vission
Secure Foundation is dedicated to making a meaningful impact in the society by addressing key societal challenges. Our mission is multifaceted: we alleviate improve the health quality of Bangladeshis through medical grants and food support initiatives, empower women through unique women-centric programs, and educate future generations to drive economic growth and sustainability. By focusing on these pillars, we aim to create lasting positive change and contribute to the overall development and prosperity of our nation.
Mission Statement
The Secure Foundation, the charity arm of the Secure Property Management Limited, is dedicated to promote social development and improving the quality of life of surrounding as well as in Bangladesh through targeted efforts in education, healthcare, disaster relief, and sustainable growth. We are motivated to advance socioeconomic development while keeping community welfare at the forefront of our collective progress, guided by our basic principles of patriotism, integrity, fairness, and dedication to national service. Our purpose is to empower the impoverished and give hope, resulting in long-term constructive change for a brighter, more equitable future.
Our CSR Gallery

Urgent Food Assistance for Flood-Affected Communities

Urgent Food Assistance for Flood-Affected Communities

Urgent Food Assistance for Flood-Affected Communities

Urgent Food Assistance for Flood-Affected Communities

Urgent Food Assistance for Flood-Affected Communities

Urgent Food Assistance for Flood-Affected Communities

আলহামদুলিল্লাহ, সিকিউর ফাউন্ডেশন লিমিটেড এর পক্ষ থেকে ২য় বারের মতো ফেনী- সোনাগাজীতে উপহার সামগ্রী বিতরণ।
Secure Foundation is a ‘not-for-profit’ and social development platform of the business group. It was formed in 2015. The foundation runs on the generous contribution of the business group. Ultimate welfare of the humanity is the core objective of the entity. Though it is committed to the overall welfare of the people, letting poor and helpless people find the suitable way out from the extreme poverty and become self-reliant is always top on its agenda.
The foundation has, therefore, initiated unique approach Feeding Eatim Khana students, orphans and the destitute is one of the routine programs of the foundation. Half dozen of orphanages in and around Sitakunda are supplied with iftar and meals during the holy month of Ramadan. A madrasa in Sitakuna are supplied with mid-day meal on Jummabar (Friday) in the name of “Dawoat Program. Similar programs are also taken up occasionally and round-the-year.Apart from this, philanthropic activities of different forms are also being carried out under the coverage of the foundation. The activities range between distribution of relief materials among the distress and displaced people hit by natural calamities, medication grants to struggling-for-life patients and critically sick people in different districts. There are many helpless families of Sitakunda are gating monthly financial assistance from Secure Foundation to meet their basic needs and become beneficiaries of the scheme making it a prime means of socioeconomic empowerment. The program is under constant expansion.
Besides these program, Shikkha Bitti, Disable Assistant, Widow Assistant, Eatim Khana Assistant, Helpless poor girls marriage assistance, Home arrangement for home for Shelter less, Treatment grant, employment providing for unemployed young of nearby peoples. Also contributing to the infrastructural development like road making, culvert, sinking tube-well etc. Distribution of blankets among cold-stricken people is doing by the secure foundation in every year. The Foundation also provides financial support to different educational, religious and social organizations like madrasa, mosque and orphanage. The foundation has made significant contributions to sports and cultural activities. Many local and domestic sports and cultural events have been given required patronization from the foundation.